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The Office Tower

The office tower is of a Class A standard and reflects state-of-the-art construction quality, which is rare to find in any project. Its interior design and planning is inspired by the world’s leading trends. Each floor includes large curtain walls that maximize the amount of natural light, with two sun terraces per floor that enable you to enjoy iconic views of Jerusalem. The Capital Jerusalem provides an opportunity for an exclusive, comfortable work experience in an international atmosphere, with a strategic location in the city’s entrance district. A pedestrian bridge connects directly to the courthouses and State Attorney’s office, and the tower enjoys quick and convenient access to all destinations inside and outside the capital.


office floors


sqm office space per floor


sqm total office space

The Office Tower

The office tower is of a Class A standard and reflects state-of-the-art construction quality, which is rare to find in any project. Its interior design and planning is inspired by the world’s leading trends. Each floor includes large curtain walls that maximize the amount of natural light, with two sun terraces per floor that enable you to enjoy iconic views of Jerusalem. The Capital Jerusalem provides an opportunity for an exclusive, comfortable work experience in an international atmosphere, with a strategic location in the city’s entrance district. A pedestrian bridge connects directly to the courthouses and State Attorney’s office, and the tower enjoys quick and convenient access to all destinations inside and outside the capital.


sqm office space per floor


office floors


sqm total office space


19TH Floor
13TH-15TH Floor
16TH-18TH Floor
24TH-27TH Floor
28TH-31ST Floor


To enlarge and print a floor plan >>

כל ההדמיות הינן להמחשה בלבד ולא תחייבנה את החברה. החברה מחויבת אך ורק לתכניות ולהיתרים הסופיים כפי שאושרו ע"י הרשויות וע"י החברה. כל המוצג בפרסום זה, לרבות הנתונים, אביזרים ומידות, הינו לצורכי המחשה בלבד. מובהר בזאת כי רק הנתונים, האביזרים והמידות שיפורטו בתוכניות המכר ובמפרט הטכני, המצורפים להסכם המכר, יחייבו את החברה כשהוא חתום על ידי שני הצדדים. ט.ל.ח. הסביבה משקפת מצב פיזי קיים והחברה אינה מתיימרת לתת מצגים לגבי הסביבה ומצבה העתידי.

All renderings are for illustration purposes only and are not binding upon the company. The company will only be bound by the final plans and permits as approved by the authorities and the company. Everything depicted here, including data, accessories, and dimensions, is for illustrative purposes only. It is hereby clarified that only the data, accessories, and dimensions detailed in the sales plans and technical specifications appended to the final sales agreement will be binding upon the company, when signed by both parties. E&OE. The surrounding environment reflects the existing physical condition and the company makes no representation regarding the surrounding environment and its future condition.


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