Interior Design
The Capital Jerusalem residential experience begins in the public areas of the complex, with sublime and inspirational interior design by Dana Oberson Architects. The design concept of these areas, including the entrance lobby, lounge level, pool, and fitness complex, embodies the very essence of Jerusalem through a deep contemporary interpretation of shades and materials. Every detail has been carefully considered and precisely placed, from floor to ceiling. This delicate balance between elegance, flow, and functionality has created fresh, timeless spaces that convey peace and inspiration through their design, texture, and materials.
Interior Design
The Capital Jerusalem residential experience begins in the public areas of the complex, with sublime and inspirational interior design by Dana Oberson Architects. The design concept of these areas, including the entrance lobby, lounge level, pool, and fitness complex, embodies the very essence of Jerusalem through a deep contemporary interpretation of shades and materials. Every detail has been carefully considered and precisely placed, from floor to ceiling. This delicate balance between elegance, flow, and functionality has created fresh, timeless spaces that convey peace and inspiration through their design, texture, and materials.
Dana Oberson is a leading architect specializing in designing projects of various scales, including luxury villas and apartments, private and commercial spaces, offices, hotels, and resorts in Israel and around the world. A Bezalel graduate, she has more than 25 years of experience in the industry. Oberson previously served as a lecturer at Tel Aviv University and now lectures and supervises final-year student projects at Ariel University. In 2002, she launched Dana Oberson Architects, a studio that takes a uniquely holistic approach to all planning elements, taking into account scenic and environmental aspects while analyzing the many complexities of the architectural space. Her meticulously woven creations all bear her distinctive signature of warmth and joie de vivre, combining a design vision with an artistic one.
Dana Oberson Architects
Dana Oberson is a leading architect specializing in designing projects of various scales, including luxury villas and apartments, private and commercial spaces, offices, hotels, and resorts in Israel and around the world. A Bezalel graduate, she has more than 25 years of experience in the industry. Oberson previously served as a lecturer at Tel Aviv University and now lectures and supervises final-year student projects at Ariel University. In 2002, she launched Dana Oberson Architects, a studio that takes a uniquely holistic approach to all planning elements, taking into account scenic and environmental aspects while analyzing the many complexities of the architectural space. Her meticulously woven creations all bear her distinctive signature of warmth and joie de vivre, combining a design vision with an artistic one.
All renderings are for illustration purposes only and are not binding upon the company. The company will only be bound by the final plans and permits as approved by the authorities and the company. Everything depicted here, including data, accessories, and dimensions, is for illustrative purposes only. It is hereby clarified that only the data, accessories, and dimensions detailed in the sales plans and technical specifications appended to the final sales agreement will be binding upon the company, when signed by both parties. E&OE. The surrounding environment reflects the existing physical condition and the company makes no representation regarding the surrounding environment and its future condition.
כל ההדמיות הינן להמחשה בלבד ולא תחייבנה את החברה. החברה מחויבת אך ורק לתכניות ולהיתרים הסופיים כפי שאושרו ע"י הרשויות וע"י החברה. כל המוצג בפרסום זה, לרבות הנתונים, אביזרים ומידות, הינו לצורכי המחשה בלבד. מובהר בזאת כי רק הנתונים, האביזרים והמידות שיפורטו בתוכניות המכר ובמפרט הטכני, המצורפים להסכם המכר, יחייבו את החברה כשהוא חתום על ידי שני הצדדים. ט.ל.ח. הסביבה משקפת מצב פיזי קיים והחברה אינה מתיימרת לתת מצגים לגבי הסביבה ומצבה העתידי.